Operation Underground Railroad
I began this website not only because of my love of Family History which you can read more about here, but for a reason that hit me while driving near my home one late afternoon day in sunny Arizona. Before we start there, let’s back up a few years ago and start the story with talking a little bit about Tim Ballard who founded Operation Underground Railroad.
I have been following this organization for a few years now. Whenever I read anything about OUR, I am in tears and sick to my stomach, I am so grateful that there are men and woman fighting for millions of children that was rescued from sex trafficking. It is a horrific and disgusting evil that must be abolished.
I remember hearing about it on the internet and having to cover my ears while I moaned over the pure evil and horrible experiences babies, toddlers and teens are facing. I remember thinking that if I had any extra money other than what I needed to provide for the necessities of my own growing family, that I would put every penny into helping Operation Underground Railroad fund more rescue missions throughout the world.
Help Stop This Evil
Back to that late afternoon while driving… as I was pondering on this organization and feeling such a heavy sadness for these children that are truly living in hell, I thought about why wasn’t I blessed with the wealth and funds to help? As soon as that question entered my mind, God spoke to my heart and mind with this statement. “You can make a difference. You can help stop this evil by inspiring and teaching others how to find their ancestors.”
Wow! That was huge. Here I was thinking about starting a website just to teach family history but never sure if the timing was right or if it was what God wanted me to do and there was my answer in a way I never dreamed of before. I can help fight sex trafficking by teaching others about their ancestors.
Now, if you are not in my heart and head you are probably trying to figure out how family history and sex trafficking have anything to do with the other. So, let me explain. A few years ago, I stumbled on a video about a man that was struggling with pornography and other addictions. He commented in this video how he was praying and reading the scriptures, but he couldn’t overcome pornography.
He Started Working on Family History
He said the turning point was when he started working on family history, specifically indexing. (Watch his story here.) That story touched me so much. Here was someone that was struggling with pornography that leads to all kinds of terrible crimes such as sex trafficking and yet he overcame it by doing family history.
Now, fast forward to the time when I was driving in my car and had that thought that I needed to help teach and inspire others to learn how to do family history. I know that the power that comes from family history can and does change lives. It can change the course of someone’s life because our hearts are turned towards others. We begin to see the value of each person as a child of God and then we begin to understand the worth of souls.
I knew in that moment of inspiration that I could help others overcome or stay away from pornography altogether and thus preventing others from even more evil activities such as participating in sex trafficking.
I came home and told my husband about what I felt. As I shared the thoughts that came to me, God spoke to my heart even more powerfully that what I was saying was true and that I needed to pursue the inspiration that I received. I knew that I needed to take the steps necessary to build a website and help others learn about their ancestors.
Join our 12 Week Family History Course
We just launched our online Family History Class at Rootstech this year, I am not sure what the future holds, but this I know, that God spoke to my heart and he can make miracles happen as we put our hands into His. I know that both the living and those that have died are blessed because of the work of finding our ancestors. I can’t wait to see how the Lord can use my hands and heart to help others in this unique way.
Greg Trimble also wrote a book called “Dads Who Stay and Fight” that speaks about how fathers can help fight pornography and safeguard their children. Read my review about this fantastic book here.
Join us for a 12 week family history course that will change your life! One price for the whole household. Details can be found here. For every course purchased during the month of April, we will donate $20 to Operation Underground Railroad. Sign up today!
Make sure to connect with us today on social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
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