Text 480.440.4838 Email mrioslazo@yahoo.com


Family History Course… Ready to Walk the Plank?

Our Family History Course is a 12 week step-by-step course to guide you through FamilySearch and other helpful websites to get you up and unlocking the history of your ancestors.  A supportive community on our Facebook group, “LIVE” Facebook Q&A with Melia and inspiration to help you discover your ancestors.


Module 1  Getting Start with FamilySearch

Unit 1: How to Log into FamilySearch

Unit 2: FamilySearch Home Page Overview

Unit 3: Family Tree Overview


Module 2 Personal Info & Record Search

Unit 1: Personal Information

Unit 2: Record Search Part 1

Unit 3: Record Search Part 2

Unit 4: Searching Tips & Tricks


Module 3 Fine Tuning our Family Tree

Unit 1: Adding & Editing Information

Unit 2: Duplicate Records 

Unit 3: Family Tree Views

Unit 4: Find Your Cousins


Module 4 The Extra Mile

Unit 1: Adding Memories

Unit 2: (Latter-day Saints) Temple Ordinances


Course Details

Our 12 week course is divided into 4 Modules.  Each module will have anywhere between 2 to 5 Units.  Each unit consists of a 10 to 15 minute video showing you exactly how to accomplish that unit’s task.  For example, if you were on Module 2: Unit 3 which teaches you how to add and edit information on an ancestor, you would have a video to watch and then a homework assignment that will reinforce what was taught in the lesson.  Here is a small clip from this lesson.  The homework will be given at the end of the video as well as transcribed under the how-to video for that Unit



We have set up a community page for those who have participating in our online course.  Here you will find inspiration from others as well as LIVE Q & A videos with Melia.  This is where you will also post your homework, ask questions and encourage one another.  Community is key to your success in family history.  You are never alone in this great work.   


The Investment

Your time!  A sacrifice of your time is needed to be successful in this course as well as a seed of faith that if planted and nurished, it will grow into a strong tree filled with family names and treasured stories.  This sacrifice of time should be consistent for example if you want to work on family history, pick one day a week or once a month where you will allot “x” amount of time to learning and working on it.  If you don’t have anytime to give, you might have to sacrifice a bit of sleep to find the time.  I love this from President Boyd K. Packer on how his family found time to work on family history when they were extremely busy.


He said, “several years ago Sister Packer and I determined that we should get our records in order. However, under the pressure of Church responsibilities with my travels about the world, and the obligations with our large family and a home to keep up both indoors and outdoors, there just was not enough time. But we were restless about this family history responsibility, and finally we determined that somehow we would have to make more time in the day. During the Christmas holidays when we had a little extra time, we started. Then as we moved back to a regular schedule after the holidays, we adopted the practice of getting up an hour or two earlier each day.


We gathered together everything we had, and in the course of a few weeks we were amazed at what we were able to accomplish. The thing that was most impressive, however, was the fact that we began to have experiences that told us somehow that we were being guided, that there were those beyond the veil who were interested in what we were doing. Things began to fall into place. As I have traveled about the Church and paid particular attention to this subject, many testimonies have come to light. Others who assemble their records together are likewise having similar experiences. It was as though the Lord was waiting for us to begin.
We found things we had wondered about for a long time. It seemed as though they came to us almost too easily. More than this, things that we never dreamed existed began to show up. We began to learn by personal experience that this research into our families is an inspired work. We came to know that an inspiration will follow those who move into it. It is just a matter of getting started. Once we started, we found the time. Somehow we were able to carry on all of the other responsibilities.  There seemed to be an increased inspiration in our lives because of this work.”


I am excited to be your personal Captain as we embark on the greatest journey of a life time.  Once you begin to uncover the mysteries of your ancestors, your life will never be the same.  You will come to understand the basic steps to find your treasured ancestors


Contact Info

Queen Creek Arizona

