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Day 29: Research Log

Today, we are going to continue with Day 28: Organize It!  Below is a simple Research Log that you can use while you find information about your ancestors.  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you would like some more information included on this worksheet.  Also, grab a fun family history binder cover for free…

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Day 24: Reflection

Everyone has a story.  Some are full of heroic events that shaped and changed history.  Others slipped through history only to be remembered by their loved ones.  Whoever or wherever your story takes you, remember that you are part of a larger family.  These are your people and you are here today because of the sacrifice and strength that…

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Day 14: Meet My Grandmother

My family is getting ready for a family reunion after Thanksgiving and we will be celebrating my grandparent's life and the legacy that they left behind.  In honor of this event, I thought it would be fun for today's daily task to be about joining the "Meet My Grandma" campaign that FamilySearch started in September of this year.  Here's…

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Day 9: Record it!

Today, we are going to look at the great resources that FamilySearch has for your mobile devices.  There are two free apps that you can download from the App Store called Family Tree and Memories.  In order to download the apps to your iphone or ipad, go to the App Store.  In the search bar type in "FamilySearch."  These…

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Day 8: Be Inspired!

Today is the Sabbath and what a better way to spend Sunday then in finding your ancestors.  Today, we had Stake Conference which was a broadcast from Salt Lake City.  If you are not a member of the LDS church, a stake conference happens twice a year where we hear from the leaders of the church to help strengthen…

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Day 7: Find Your Cousins

When I first started getting into family history, I found most of my success finding cousins.  I had a grandmother from my mom's side and a grandfather from my dad's side that had done a lot of family history work on my direct grandparents.  When I moved to Pennsylvania and discovered that Pottstown, the very town we moved too,…

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Day 5: Edit It!

Today, go to FamilySearch and find an ancestor on your family tree that was born in the late 1800's.  Find any records about their life and attach it.  Next, verify that the information on family tree matches your records.  If you find any errors on your tree, edit it!  Not sure how to do that?  Here's a great resource….

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Day 4: Index 5 Records

Today, take some time to index just 5 records.  If you haven't already installed the indexing program to your computer, go here to install it now.  What is indexing?  Well, it is the backbone of the Record Search and it helps us find almost all the information to find new ancestors and make sure that the ones already in…

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