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Family History: Family Home Evening Lesson 1 sample

Giacinta and Giuseppe BassoHere's a sample of part of our lesson from #1.  I taught my kids about my great grandmother, Giacinta Basso. Here is a picture of her with your husband and 8 boys.  I never knew my great grandmother Giacinta who immigrated from Italy to Michigan, but I have heard of her sacrifice and great love that she had for her family.  There is one child missing, a little baby girl that only lived a few days.  I reflect on my own daughter and it breaks my heart to think of not having her sweetness in my home amongst her 3 brothers.  Oh, how grandmother's heart must of broke to have buried her only daughter. My daughter decided to draw a picture of her story.  (Click here to print out this worksheet from that first lesson.)

Here's her version of the story through her 5 year old eyes.

Brightly Street Family History FHE Lesson #1

My daughter said the box on the left is the baby's crib and the little baby in the sky is her going to heaven.
I know that one day I will see my family again and that we will live in peace and harmony with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I know that families can be together forever because of the Savior's sacrifice in Gethsemane.  I can choose to be with them again as I strive to pattern my life after Jesus Christ.

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Family History: Family Home Evening Lesson 1 sample

Giacinta and Giuseppe BassoHere's a sample of part of our lesson from #1.  I taught my kids about my great grandmother, Giacinta Basso. Here is a picture of her with your husband and 8 boys.  I never knew my great grandmother Giacinta who immigrated from Italy to Michigan, but I have heard of her sacrifice and great love that she had for her family.  There is one child missing, a little baby girl that only lived a few days.  I reflect on my own daughter and it breaks my heart to think of not having her sweetness in my home amongst her 3 brothers.  Oh, how grandmother's heart must of broke to have buried her only daughter. My daughter decided to draw a picture of her story.  (Click here to print out this worksheet from that first lesson.)

Here's her version of the story through her 5 year old eyes.

Brightly Street Family History FHE Lesson #1

My daughter said the box on the left is the baby's crib and the little baby in the sky is her going to heaven.
I know that one day I will see my family again and that we will live in peace and harmony with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I know that families can be together forever because of the Savior's sacrifice in Gethsemane.  I can choose to be with them again as I strive to pattern my life after Jesus Christ.

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