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Photos and Making Time for Family History from a Youth’s View

Wise words from a 14 year old girl about the importance of Family History.   “Putting pictures and memories onto family history is really easy and really important. Wouldn’t you like to know where you got your brown-eyes from in your blue-eyed family? Or where the genes that made you shorter than your siblings are from? Don’t you wish…

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Temple Patron Assistance Fund

What is the "Temple Patron Assistance Fund?" "As the population of the Church continues to expand in the world, there are more and more dedicated saints who live in remote and impoverished locales and lack the means to attend a temple even once in their lifetimes. Therefore, the Church has established the General Temple Patron Assistance Fund to provide…

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Day 39: Decorate It!

FamilySearch is encouraging us to index the millions of records that are ready for our eyes to see and fingers to type the information.  They are doing a fun Christmas tree decorating event for December.  Jump on board and index some records tonight!  How about doing your own Countdown to Christmas with this Christmas tree and ornaments!  Click on…

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Day 37: Share It!

We just had a great family reunion last Saturday.  We shared some fun ways to get going with family history.  I will post some details to help you plan your next family reunion soon.  Here is a video highlighting some of our ancestors.  What would they tell you if they were here to speak with you?  Share your feelings…

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