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Veterans Week part 7

Last, but by far not the least.  This is my beautiful, sister-in-law, Jessica Basso and my brother, Paul, on their wedding day.     Jessica is a combat medic and she is currently serving in the army.   Below is a description about an event that my sister-in-law participated in.   Rucksack March BAGHDAD – 18th Military Police Brigade Soldiers set…

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Veterans Week part 6

Here is my brother, Paul Basso.  He is currently serving in the military and has been since August of 1999. He has served as a Tomb Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery from October 2000 to February 2004.  He then became a part of the 39th Military Police Detachment in Fort Shafter, Hawaii where he met Jessica…

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Veterans Week part 5

This is Grant Lewis Hansen, my uncle and mother's brother.  He was a 4-time World War II survivor and former Assistant Secretary of the Air Force under President Richard Nixon.   Uncle Grant survived three separate sinking ships and fought in eight major battles at sea while in the Navy and received a Purple Heart after being wounded in the Japanese attack on Pearl…

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Veterans Week part 4

Here is my grandpa, Charles W Basso, my father's father.  When grandpa went to fill out his application for the United States Navy, he was asked what his full name was.  Grandpa answered, "Charles Basso."  The officer said, "look, I need to fill out every space on this application.  There's a space here for a middle initial, so I need…

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Veterans Week part 3

This is my Uncle Ralph Hansen.  He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.  He earned his wings at James Connally Air Force Base in Waco, Texas after completing Navigation Training.  He served in Vietnam as a Sky Spot Controller.  He used a system called "combat sky spot" bombing system which enabled a ground radar control to…

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Veterans Week part 2

Here is my handsome father, Charles Kaluhi Basso, who served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War.  He served honorably for 4 years aboard the USS Badger.  While serving in the United States Navy, he missed the birth of his first child.  I am grateful to my mother who stood by his side and supported him from home.  Here he is in…

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